Using SQL Joins With Tree Structures
March 20, 2013 Ted Holt
Note: The code accompanying this article is available for download here. The reason tree structures are important to me is not that they are so numerous, but that I use them every day. I don’t write programs to process tree structures every day, but many of the programs I have written still run every day. For that reason, I must know fast ways to extract data from tree structures. One such method is the SQL join. This article is a rewrite of the topic “Efficient Database Retrieval” from my article Recursion and the Alternatives, which I wrote eight years ago. I am revisiting this topic because this powerful technique deserves more attention than what I gave it then. To illustrate this technique, let’s assume that you and I work for a manufacturer of wheelbarrows. Our company offers three models of wheelbarrows: small, medium, and large. (Sorry, no grandes, ventis, trentes, etc.) First, we need an item master file. select * from products order by 1 Item ID Description Type ========== ===================== ==== AXLE Axle COMP BARROW1 Small wheelbarrow FG BARROW2 Medium wheelbarrow FG BARROW3 Large wheelbarrow FG BOLT1 Small bolt COMP BOLT2 Big bolt COMP BUCKET1 Small bucket COMP BUCKET2 Medium bucket COMP BUCKET3 Large bucket COMP HANDLE1 Short handle COMP HANDLE2 Medium handle COMP HANDLE3 Long handle COMP KITCOMMON Common items KIT KITHARDWARE Hardware KIT LABELSAFETY Safety label COMP LABEL1 Product label small COMP LABEL2 Product label medium COMP LABEL3 Product label large COMP LEG Leg COMP STRAP Strap COMP TIRE Tire COMP TUBE Inner tube COMP WHEEL Wheel ASSY WHEELASSEM Wheel assembly ASSY WHEELBLANK Wheel blank COMP The third column tells us the type of each item:
We also need a product structure file, to tell us what makes up what. select * from prodstruct order by 1, 2 Component Quantity Parent sequence Component per =========== ======== ============= ======== BARROW1 10 BUCKET1 1 BARROW1 20 HANDLE1 2 BARROW1 30 KITCOMMON 1 BARROW1 40 LABEL1 1 BARROW2 10 BUCKET2 1 BARROW2 20 HANDLE2 2 BARROW2 30 KITCOMMON 1 BARROW2 40 LABEL2 1 BARROW3 10 BUCKET3 1 BARROW3 20 HANDLE3 2 BARROW3 30 KITCOMMON 1 BARROW3 40 LABEL3 1 KITCOMMON 10 KITHARDWARE 2 KITCOMMON 20 LABELSAFETY 1 KITCOMMON 30 LEG 2 KITCOMMON 40 STRAP 1 KITCOMMON 50 WHEELASSEM 1 KITHARDWARE 10 BOLT1 4 KITHARDWARE 20 BOLT2 2 WHEEL 10 WHEELBLANK 2 WHEELASSEM 10 AXLE 1 WHEELASSEM 20 TIRE 1 WHEELASSEM 30 TUBE 1 WHEELASSEM 40 WHEEL 1 It isn’t readily obvious that this is a tree structure, but this graphic (click to enlarge graphic after opening the link), based on the product structure of a small wheelbarrow, makes it more understandable. Let’s suppose further that we have been asked to make the computer tell someone how many of each base part (a part that has no components) is needed to fill an order. If a customer orders a dozen small wheelbarrows, what items do we need? A common way to determine such information is to work downward through the tree, multiplying as we go along. For instance, 12 wheelbarrows require 12 common-item kits, which require 12 wheel assemblies, which require 12 wheels, which require 24 blanks. The order for 12 small wheelbarrows requires the following traversal:
This sort of tree traversal requires a recursive routine, such as the one found under “An Example of Recursion” in the afore-mentioned article of eight years ago. A recursive routine is great for retrieving small amounts of data, such as the bill of material for a single item. But it’s too slow for retrieving large amounts of data. In those cases, I use a join. Here’s the idea. Begin at top level, with the finished goods. Explode them into their components. Explode those components into their components. Then explode those components into their components. Continue the process until the explosion returns no result set. I wrote a CL program to illustrate the technique. It uses the same database tables that I used above. There’s also another table, Product Explosion, to hold the result set. create table ProdExpl (FinishGood char (12), QtyPer1 dec ( 3), Parent char (12), ParentType char ( 4), QtyPer2 dec ( 3), CompSeq dec ( 3), Component char (12), CompType char ( 4), Level dec ( 3)) The first column, FinishGood, ties all components together for a finished good, regardless of level. The Component column holds the base parts; i.e., the ones that have no components of their own. The Parent column is the parent item of the Component item. Quantity-Per-1 is the number of Component in the finished good. Quantity-Per-2 is the number of Component in its parent. This is only one possibility for the formatted data. Put whatever data you need in the result set. Here’s the explosion routine. /* ============================================================ */ /* Use SQL joins to explode a bill of materials */ /* ============================================================ */ pgm dcl &SqlCmd *char len( 1024 ) dcl &NbrCurRcd *dec len( 10 ) dcl &Level *dec len( 3 ) dcl &LevelA *char len( 3 ) /* Create the work files, or clear them if they already exist. */ clrpfm ProdExpl clrpfm qtemp/WorkA monmsg cpf3142 exec(do) crtdupobj ProdExpl *libl *file qtemp WorkA enddo clrpfm qtemp/WorkB monmsg cpf3142 exec(do) crtdupobj ProdExpl *libl *file qtemp WorkB enddo /* Prime the work file with finished goods. */ callsubr IncrLevel chgvar &SqlCmd + ('insert into WorkB + select fg.item, 1, + fg.item, fg.type, 1, + 0, + fg.item, fg.type,' *cat &LevelA *bcat + 'from products AS fg + where fg.type = ''FG''') runsql sql(&SQLCmd) commit(*none) dowhile '1' /* If WorkB does not have any records, the explosion is complete. */ rtvmbrd file(WorkB) nbrcurrcd(&NbrCurRcd) if (&NbrCurRcd *le 0) + then(leave) /* Add the most recent explosion to previous explosions. */ cpyf fromfile(WorkB) tofile(ProdExpl) mbropt(*add) /* Explode the next level. */ callsubr Explode enddo return /* ============================================================ */ /* Count the levels in the bills of material. */ /* ============================================================ */ subr IncrLevel chgvar &Level (&Level +1) chgvar &LevelA &Level endsubr /* ============================================================ */ /* Retrieve the next level of components. */ /* ============================================================ */ subr Explode /* Copy WorkB to WorkA, replacing data, & clear WorkB. */ /* Renaming files is faster than copying data. */ rnmobj WorkA objtype(*file) newobj(WorkX) rnmobj WorkB objtype(*file) newobj(WorkA) rnmobj WorkX objtype(*file) newobj(WorkB) clrpfm WorkB /* Explode by joining thru the product structure. */ callsubr IncrLevel chgvar &SqlCmd + ('insert into WorkB + select a.FinishGood, a.QTYPER1 * ps.QtyPer,+ a.component, a.CompType, ps.QtyPer, + ps.compseq, + ps.component, comp.type,' *cat &LevelA *bcat + 'from WorkA as a + join prodstruct as ps + on a.component = ps.parent + join products as comp + on ps.component = comp.item') runsql sql(&SqlCmd) commit(*none) endsubr endpgm Does it work? You bet! Here’s the exploded bill of material for one small wheelbarrow.
(Click graphic to enlarge.) The first SQL command returned one row per finished good.
(Click graphic to enlarge.) This says that a small wheelbarrow is made of one small wheelbarrow. This row is not necessary. I included it for one reason only: to prime the SQL statement in subroutine Explode, which does all the work. The first iteration of the Explode subroutine adds the first level of components.
(Click graphic to enlarge.) The second call to Explode adds the next level of components. I see that a small wheelbarrow has two small handles (quantity-per #1).
(Click graphic to enlarge.) And so it goes, until the items in the last level of components have no components of their own. I recently wrote a program to explode more than 100 thousand bills of material to their base components. It ran in seven minutes on an antiquated machine. I didn’t write and run the recursive equivalent, but from past experience, I know that using a recursive routine would have been much slower, perhaps slow enough to make running the program impractical. You can also use recursive SQL queries to do the same sort of thing. However, I’ve found that the recursive query does not always give me a way to get the result set in the format I need it in. (Or maybe I still haven’t mastered recursive SQL queries.) In case you’re interested, I’ve included a link below to an article that Mike Sansoterra wrote about recursive SQL. If tree-traversal through joins is a technique that you can use, I hope the material in this article and my previous article will give you plenty of information to work from. I’m glad to revisit this topic, and I hope my coverage of this technique will help many people. RELATED STORIES Recursion and the Alternatives Recursive Queries on the iSeries and System i