Guru: Easy Date Difference
January 14, 2019 Ted Holt
Hey, Ted:
The dates in our database are stored as seven-digit packed-decimal values in the common CYYMMDD format. In 2018 I wrote an SQL query that reported the number of days between two dates, but it quit calculating properly as soon as it started using 2019 dates. Can you tell me the proper way to find the difference between two dates in days?
I don’t know if “the” proper way exists or not, Becki, but I can show you how to do the required calculation. SQL has some handy built-in functions that address your problem.
The DAYS function returns an ordinal number for a date. You can subtract the ordinal number of one date from the ordinal number of another date to retrieve the number of elapsed days.
DAYS requires a date, so you’ll have to convert your seven-digit numbers to the date data type. For that, use the TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function or its alias, TO_DATE.
And since TIMESTAMP_FORMAT requires a character argument, use CHAR to convert a number to character text.
First, let’s get some test data to play with.
declare global temporary table DateDiffs (Key dec(3), DueDate dec(7), ShipDate dec(7)); insert into session.DateDiffs values ( 1 , 1181231 , 1190101), ( 2 , 1190101 , 1190101), ( 3 , 1190101 , 1181231), ( 4 , 1180506 , 1190506), ( 5 , 1190506 , 1180506), ( 6 , 1190201 , 1190301), ( 7 , 1200201 , 1200301);
Here’s the query, using the CHAR, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT and DAYS functions.
select dd.*, days(timestamp_format(char(ShipDate+19000000),'YYYYMMDD')) - days(timestamp_format(char(DueDate +19000000),'YYYYMMDD')) from session.DateDiffs as dd
Key | Due date | Ship date | Days late |
1 | 1181231 | 1190101 | 1 |
2 | 1190101 | 1190101 | 0 |
3 | 1190101 | 1181231 | -1 |
4 | 1180506 | 1190506 | 365 |
5 | 1190506 | 1180506 | -365 |
6 | 1190201 | 1190301 | 28 |
7 | 1200201 | 1200301 | 29 |
Isn’t that great!? I certainly think so!
You can simplify the query slightly by using my FMTDATE function.
select dd.*, days(date(fmtdate(ShipDate,'CYMD', 'ISO-'))) - days(date(fmtdate(DueDate, 'CYMD', 'ISO-'))) from session.DateDiffs as dd;
However, if I were in your shoes, I’d take it a step farther. I would write a function to perform the date arithmetic. That would eliminate all those messy nested built-in functions.
Creating a function isn’t difficult. Start by writing an RPG subprocedure that returns the number of days between two dates.
**free ctl-opt actgrp(*new); dcl-s FromDate packed(7) inz(1190101); dcl-s ThruDate packed(7) inz(1190201); dcl-s Days packed(7); *inlr = *on; Days = Days_after (ThruDate: FromDate); return; dcl-proc Days_after; dcl-pi Days_after packed(7); ThruDate packed(7) const; FromDate packed(7) const; end-pi Days_after; monitor; return %diff( %date(ThruDate: *cymd): %date(FromDate: *cymd): *days); on-error; // fixme endmon; end-proc;
The DAYS_AFTER subprocedure is all that matters. The main code before that is for testing purposes only. You’ll throw it away later.
Once you’ve determined that the subprocedure yields the proper results, add the parameter list that SQL requires.
**free ctl-opt actgrp(*new); dcl-s FromDate packed(7) inz(1190101); dcl-s ThruDate packed(7) inz(1190201); dcl-s Days packed(7); dcl-s ThruDateNull int ( 5); dcl-s FromDateNull int ( 5); dcl-s ReturnValNull int ( 5); dcl-s ReturnState char ( 5); dcl-s FunctionName varchar ( 517); dcl-s SpecificName varchar ( 128); dcl-s MessageText varchar (1000); *inlr = *on; Days_after (ThruDate: FromDate: Days: ThruDateNull: FromDateNull: ReturnValNull: ReturnState: FunctionName: SpecificName: MessageText); return; dcl-proc Days_after; dcl-pi Days_after; ThruDate packed ( 7); FromDate packed ( 7); ReturnValue packed ( 7); ThruDateNull int ( 5); FromDateNull int ( 5); ReturnValNull int ( 5); ReturnState char ( 5); FunctionName varchar ( 517); SpecificName varchar ( 128); MessageText varchar (1000); end-pi Days_after; ReturnState = *zeros; clear MessageText; monitor; ReturnValue = %diff( %date(ThruDate: *cymd): %date(FromDate: *cymd): *days); on-error; ReturnState = '85555'; MessageText = 'A decimal value could not be converted to a date.'; endmon; end-proc;
The SQL parameter style provides an easy way to set the SQL state if there’s an error. Notice the error-handling code that I’ve added under ON-ERROR. I set the SQL state to some value greater than 02000 and specified the message text.
When the subprocedure works properly with the new parameter list, throw away the main calcs and turn this code into a module.
**free ctl-opt nomain; dcl-proc Days_after export; dcl-pi Days_after; ThruDate packed ( 7); FromDate packed ( 7); ReturnValue packed ( 7); ThruDateNull int ( 5); FromDateNull int ( 5); ReturnValNull int ( 5); ReturnState char ( 5); FunctionName varchar ( 517); SpecificName varchar ( 128); MessageText varchar (1000); end-pi Days_after; ReturnState = *zeros; ReturnValNull = *zeros; clear MessageText; monitor; ReturnValue = %diff( %date(ThruDate: *cymd): %date(FromDate: *cymd): *days); on-error; ReturnState = '85555'; MessageText = 'A decimal value could not be converted to a date.'; endmon; end-proc;
Create the module and the service program.
Create a function that runs the subprocedure in the service program.
create or replace function xxx.days_after (ThruDate dec(7), FromDate dec(7)) returns dec(7) language rpgle parameter style sql deterministic returns null on null input external name 'XXX/DAYS_AFTER(DAYS_AFTER)'
Now you can use your handy function.
select dd.*, days_after(ShipDate, DueDate) as DaysLate from session.DateDiffs as dd
There you have it! If you can write an RPG subprocedure — and you can — you can write an SQL function.
Formatting Dates With SQL, Take 3
SQL Functions You Didn’t Know You Had, Part 1
Rather than defining the function as an external SQL function in RPGLE, wouldn’t it instead make more sense to simply define the function in SQL using the code you already defined? I haven’t verified the syntax on this but it should get the idea across.
create function diffDays(ShipDate decimal(8), DueDate decimal(8))
returns decimal(8)
return days(date(fmtdate(ShipDate,’CYMD’, ‘ISO-‘))) – days(date(fmtdate(DueDate, ‘CYMD’, ‘ISO-‘)));
Good idea. This works:
create or replace function diffDays(FromDate decimal(7), ToDate decimal(7))
returns decimal(7)
returns null on null input
return dec(days(date(fmtdate(ToDate,’CYMD’, ‘ISO-‘))) –
days(date(fmtdate(FromDate, ‘CYMD’, ‘ISO-‘))), 7, 0);
select d.ShipDate ,d.DueDate,
diffDays (d.DueDate, d.ShipDate) as Diff
from session.DateDiffs as d;