Four Hundred Monitor, October 25
October 25, 2023 Jenny Thomas
Get ready to add a new column to your org chart. Artificial intelligence is growing at such a rapid rate that some organizations aren’t asking the existing CIO to wear another hat. Instead they are adding a new position. A chief AI officer, or CAIO. This position would have a lot of responsibilities, including staying on top of emerging AI technologies, develop an AI strategy, and make sure that AI implementations align with business goals. Sounds like a big job, doesn’t it? Based on what we’re seeing in the news cycles, it also seems like it’s becoming exceedingly necessary. Read on to learn more…
Top Stories From Around The Jungle
(CIO) Is it time to install a CAIO?
(Business Insider) IBM CEO Arvind Krishna has some thoughts for young professionals worried about what AI means for their working lives.
(Cointelegraph) IBM recently debuted a new prototype AI chip purported to be both faster and far more energy-efficient than any chip currently available.
(SDxCentral) IBM Consulting plans to train 10,000 consultants on AWS genAI by the end of next year.
(npr) Listen to this quick story about how IBM ushered in the computer age.
Spotted On Social Media

Shield gave us, and their new solution, a re-Tweet this week. Or is it re-X?
Redbooks, White Papers, Blogs, Podcasts, and Other Resources
(Fortran) Time is running out for you to participate in the IBM i Marketplace Survey and have your voice heard. Please take a moment and take the survey.
(New Generation Software) Last week, IBM announced it has dropped DB2 Web Query and is not offering maintenance beyond your current term, recommending customers look at alternatives. To that end, NGS is hosting a free one-hour webinar to take a look at the latest release of NGS-IQ and learn about your options.
(IBM TechXchange Community) Becoming an IBM Champion means joining a global community of experts, enthusiasts, and innovators in the world of IBM technologies. Nominations are open for IBM Champions. Deadline is November 27.
(Manta Technologies) Save 20 percent during Manta’s Back-to-School Combo-Pack Sale! In addition to the complete IBM i Training Library, the following combo packages are on sale: Operations Combination Pack, System Administration Combination Pack, RPG Development Combination Pack, COBOL Development Combination Pack, and Program Development Combination Pack. Sale ends October 31.
(Kisco Systems) The Richard C. Loeber Fellowship Program is a partnership between Kisco Systems and IBM i shops who want to develop high potential employees and help launch careers in the IBM i community. Full program details and an application form are available here.
Chats, Webinars, Seminars, Shows, and Other Happenings
October 26 – Online Workshop – Coding a Modern RPG Application, a half day online workshop with Paul Tuohy, takes you through the structure and code behind a modern RPG application, exploring the details of each of its many layers.
October 31 – Online Workshop – SQL Procedures, Functions and Triggers, a half day online workshop with Paul Tuohy, shows you how to use SQL to allow other languages (and platforms) to take advantage of existing IBM i code or to access SQL capabilities from RPG or COBOL applications.
November 8 – Webinar – Planning your exit from IBM DB2 Web Query? IBM has dropped DB2 Web Query and is not offering maintenance beyond your current term. They recommend you look at alternatives. We invite you to begin by taking a look at the latest release of NGS-IQ. Attend this free one-hour webinar from New Generation Software and learn about your options.
November 8 – Webinar – Join Steve Pitcher for a live webinar to understand your options for Power8 EOSL. This 60-minute webinar will cover: what Power8 End of Support means for future planning; the risks of being no longer supported; and cost comparisons on IBM’s extended maintenance and new hardware.
November 9 – Webinar – With end of support dates fast approaching for POWER8, now is the time to consider your options in order to future-proof your infrastructure and protect your business. Join Ash Giddings (Maxava Product Manager), John Dominic (Maxava Global Vice President), and Tonny Bastiaans (IBM Worldwide Offering Manager IBM Power Systems Virtual Server) for this free webinar where they will dissect the options available to POWER8 environments.
November 14 – Webinar – The Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG, will have IBM Champion Simon Hutchinson present his favorite additions to the CL program language from the last few releases. Events is online and free, starts at 6:30 p.m. Central Time, click here to register.